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Company:Eugene Burger Management Corporation
Date: 09/15/2011
Group:EIV Use Policy Manual
Category: 10 When and How to Use EIV Reports
Title: 10 When and How to Use EIV Reports

Note: More detail on reports and their use can be found in HUD Notice 10-10, located at the following website:http://portal.hud.gov/portal/page/portal/HUD/program_offices/administration/hudclips/notices/hsg/files/10-10hsgn.pdf

Required or
Use this report to:
Failed EIV Pre-Screening Report MonthlyREQUIREDVerify personal identifiers such as SSN, Last Name or DOB sent to TRACS. Any invalid data on this re-port must be corrected by Owner/Agents. O/A must confirm data with tenants and send a HUD-50059 to correct the discrepancy in the TRACS system. Reviewers at the MOR will look for evidence that the O/A is using this report and correcting information in TRACS.
Failed Verification Report MonthlyREQUIREDThis report checks personal identifiers with data in SSA. O/A must identify those records with errors and follow up to correct inaccurate information by conferring with the tenant. They must also obtain third party verification or documentation to sup-port the tenant’s personal identifiers and the accuracy of the HUD-50059 and TRACS data. See requirements for third party verification in HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV1, CHG3
Existing Tenant Search
At admission REQUIRED
(should be used prior to Move-in)
Must have written policy in TSP. This report checks for double subsidy in Multi-family and/or Public Housing Programs. If the report indicates a possible double subsidy situation, the O/A should discuss this with the applicant and if necessary the PHA or other O/A before admitting the applicant. O/A must follow up on all records found. PBCA Staff will look for documentation of O/A follow-up on potential issues.
Subsidy Report
No less than QuarterlyREQUIRED Shows whether an individual or household is or may be receiving multiple subsidies in PIH or MFH programs.
Deceased Tenant Report No less than Quarterly REQUIRED Use this report to identify potential subsidy payments to decreased tenants or household members. O/A must confirm with the household, next of kin or emergency contact person on the status of the individual. If deceased, the O/A must update the HUD-50059; if a single member household is identified as deceased, O/A should terminate tenancy and up-date any errors in TRACS records.
Income Report



REQUIRED The income report must be used at annual recertification and initial or interim certifications to verify the employment and income of the tenants. The income report serves as third party verification unless the tenant disputes the employment or income information reported. O/As must print and retain a copy of the report in the tenant’s file. If tenant disputes this information, O/A must note this on the report and follow established guidance for obtaining 3rd party verification directly from the in-come source.
No Income
AR - and QuarterlyREQUIRED O/As should use the No Income Report at recertification and at other times as stated in the O/A’s policies and procedures. It is recommended that O/As have a policy to re-verify the status of tenants reporting $0 income at lease quarterly and to use EIV to determine if any income has been reported since the last cert.
New Hires

Detail and Summary
Quarterly REQUIRED The new hires report provides information on households who have started new jobs within the last six months. This database is updated monthly.
It is recommended that O/As have policies and procedures to run this report no less than quarterly.
Discrepancy Report


REQUIRED The income discrepancy report identifies tenants whose income reported in TRACS differs by more than $2400 from the actual income reported by SSA and HHS. At the time of recertification, O/As are required to review and resolve any discrepancies in income reported on the income discrepancy report.

Income Report

The Income Report displays benefit and wage-related information, including SS/SSI/Dual Entitlement benefit information from SSA, and wage, unemployment compensation, and new hires (W-4) data from HHS’ NDNH database for tenants participating in HUD’s multifamily housing programs. The Income Report provides information for all household members with verified personal identifiers in households due for re-certification in the indicated month. See an example of the EIV Wage & Income Report on the next page.

Income Summary Reports provides information taken from the current active certifications contained in the TRACS file at the time of the income match. The report is used at the time of annual or interim recertification to review and resolve the status of any household members with failed or deceased status and as verification that the tenant’s SSN has been verified by SSA as being a valid SSN.

Each household’s Income Report will be reviewed within 90 days after transmission of the move-in certification to TRACS to confirm/validate the income reported by the household and any income discrepancies for the household must be resolved within 30 days thereafter.

Income Discrepancy Report

The Income Discrepancy Report identifies families that may have substantially underreported SS/SSI benefits, wages, and/or unemployment compensation amounts to O/As as input into 50059 and transmitted to TRACS.

A difference of $2,400 or greater annually, between what is reflected on the form HUD-50059(s) and what is reflected on the EIV Income Report, for a period of income (POI), is considered a substantial amount with respect to underreported tenant income.

The POI start date is 15 months prior to the household’s annual re-certification date and the end date is 3 months prior to the household’s annual re-certification month. For example, if the household’s annual re-certification is 05/01/10, the household’s POI is 02/01/2009 – 01/30/10. This is the period when the income discrepancy occurred. When the discrepant families appear on the Income Discrepancy Report, O/As are expected to resolve these income discrepancies.

It is important that the O/A determine whether the income appearing on the EIV Income Discrepancy Report should be included as income and does not meet one of the income exclusions represented in Exhibit 5-1 of HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1.

The O/A must investigate this discrepancy to determine if the tenant accurately reported his/her income at the time of move-in. The same comparison of income information compared to what amount of income was reported to the NDNH as to the HUD Form 50059 must also be resolved if a discrepancy exists.

Failed Verification Report

The Failed Verification Report provides information on household members in a household due for re-certification for whom SSA was unable to verify the SSN, Last Name, and DOB combination that was derived from TRACS.

Under such circumstances, SSA will not provide benefit information, but will give information about how the verification failed. In some cases, as in when SSA suspects that two digits were transposed, the message will be specific. In other cases when there is a significant miss, the message will be more general. In any case, EIV does not display data (SSA benefits data or HHS’ NDNH income data) for tenants whose IDs could not be verified by SSA. Tenant information only will be found in the Failed Verification Report.

No Income Report

The No Income Report provides a list of tenants whose identity was verified by SSA based on the SSN/Last Name/Date of Birth combination. However, such tenants did not receive or have never received SS/SSI benefits from SSA or wages or unemployment compensation insurance, as provided by HHS’ NDNH database. When running the report, the O/A staff must select recertification month “All”.

New Hires Report

The New Hires Report provides a list of households where at least one member has a new hire (W-4) record that was received by EIV in the last 180 days.

A MF Housing Program user may search for and view reports by three options:

This report is reviewed at least quarterly to determine if any tenants have started new employment which have yet to be reported. When the household’s income cumulatively increases by $200 or more per month the tenant must be contacted so the rent adjustments can be made in a timely manner. When running the report, the O/A staff must select recertification month “All”.

Verification Reports

Existing Tenant Search – An existing tenant search by SSN must be used during the application process for all household members listed on the application to show whether an individual (applicant or tenant) is receiving housing subsidies in any PIH or Multifamily Housing Program. If the report identifies that any applicant household members is being assisted at another location, discuss the information with the applicant. It is possible the applicant wants to move to a new location or two families may share custody of a minor child. Depending on the outcome of the communication with the applicant contact the respective PHA or O/A to confirm the applicant’s program participation status before continuing with admission

Multiple Subsidy Report – A multiple subsidy report must be used at least quarterly to search for tenants who receive assistance in more than one subsidized program. You can search with the options of “Within MF only” or Within MF and PIH If the report identifies that any tenant household member is being assisted at another location, discuss the information with the tenant. Depending on the outcome of the communication with the tenant contact the respective PHA or O/A to confirm the information. Depending on the results of the investigation the tenant’s assistance and or tenancy may have to be terminated.

Identity Verification Report

Required to show statistical information at the Project and Subsidy Contract level of the number of households and members who were successfully verified by SSA, who failed SS verification, or who failed the EIV pre-screening process. When running the report, the O/A staff must select recertification month “All”.

Failed Pre-screening Report

Required to identify those tenants for the selected contract(s) and/or property(s) that were not sent to SSA for verification because they failed the EIV pre-screening test.

Deceased Tenants Report

Required at least quarterly to search and view household/household member information for households with deceased household members. When running the report, the O/A must select recertification month "All". Confirm, in writing, with a household member or emergency contact person provided by the tenant whether or not the person is deceased.


Gabrielle Harris composed this Policy/Procedure on 02/09/2011 03:14:39 PM.
Gabrielle Harris edited this Policy/Procedure on 03/24/2011 08:35:03 AM.
Gabrielle Harris edited this Policy/Procedure on 09/19/2011 09:00:56 AM.
Gabrielle Harris edited this Policy/Procedure on 10/28/2013 08:37:06 AM.
Gabrielle Harris edited this Policy/Procedure on 10/28/2013 08:41:18 AM.